SecurityLah - the Asian Cyber Security Show

BONUS: Doc's Cyber Security Business Plan

August 28, 2022 SecurityLah

Doc came up with a new cyber security plan that, according to him, will revolutionise the industry. What is it? 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SecurityLah podcast. Good to see you guys. I wanted to brainstorm a bit with you guys. You know, I just discovered this awesome idea that's going to make us billionaires, not millionaire, billionaires. Real money. I hear you. Carry on. So the idea evolves around this huge market of unserved customers who need cybersecurity solution. They are unserved. Today, no company in the world is actually looking at this market segment. Nobody. I can guarantee you. If I tell you this market segment, you will agree with me. You know, this month is the seventh month we have Hungry Ghost Festival. If you go any of these shops where, you know, sometimes they sell house and all that, you see them selling iPad, mobile phone, you know, so you have this offerings of tech gadgets for the dearly departed. Right. Here's the thing. Those devices are not protected. You know how much people up there who may get ransomware, they get virus. It's a big market. I tell you, it's a huge market. Should I call Josephine? You can, but you gotta wait. Let me finish the whole concept first and then I want you guys to tell me. So we have this huge underserved market for cybersecurity. You know, I'm very sure if you if you kill a ransomware, it has to go to hell or somewhere. Right. So imagine the poor fella there in hell using his brand new iPhone. And then suddenly, I got a virus. You know, so today, sadly, people up there who's dearly departed using all these nice gadgets, what kind of tech support they're going to get. So it's really bad. I feel bad for them. You know, we burn all these nice offerings to them, give them hell money, give them this, give them that. You know, I mean, I come from ****. I know Hungry Ghost Festival very well. So I've seen them burn all these offerings and all that. And you know, so I found this nice business case where, you know, I think all three of us and the whole security team can make really good money. So wait first, wait first. I got a name for this company. OK, since of course, Hungry Ghost Festival is a bit Chinese, you have to give it a Chinese name. Right. Then only people will resonate. Otherwise, I give one Indian name like Muthusamy Antivirus. Nobody gonna hear. They will be like, what is this? You know, who is going to understand. So I came up with this name. Listen to it. The number four. M A N T E C H. So it's like, Four Mantech. Or if you speak to it in a bit of a Hokkien, it becomes Say Mantech. OK, what do you think about the name? Very familiar. No, it's just a name that's been dead. I mean, so it's OK. You see, I'm not copying anything living. I'm just giving my idea. But then you see, then I realized they also need a firewall. Right. So I got a name for the firewall. Four Four. So how do you pronounce it? Say Four. I know it sounds a little bit like one Chinese brand. But you know, Four Four. Firewall. What do you think? Can sell or not? OK, OK, OK. Seriously, you know, guys, imagine someone buys the makeup or the clone of the iPad. Should tell them, hey, you need this, no. Say Mantech antivirus. I will give you another APT brand called Fire Hell. Good one. I like that name. I like the name. So you see, we have an awesome business case and we are sharing it with everyone in security. So if anyone we see out there who is interested in making billions, come contact us. Our email address And, you know, we only take in the quantum of millions. We go for series ABC. But, you know, for sure, I can bet you are no competition. No one will follow a business case. They will have to die to follow the business case. I also have a relative that actually owns a shop that makes things to burn for the date so we can manufacture it as we say. Just give the design. Awesome. You see supply chain also Gautim already. Gautim already. Good, good, good. We can also do managed services we burn for you. But don't burn me. I start on the lift. My consultancy on earth not yet. When I go, then I go take care of them. Permission to use this in one of my events. Opening statement. No problem. Go right ahead. That would be nice. Let me find you down last day. Thank you for you guys. Not you guys. Him. But, but you see, you know, it's it is a business case and I'm passionate about it. It is. I can tell you one thing before you know it. Somebody would have already started burning firewalls. It's okay. I got sky. I even got an expansion plan for that. You see the problem in hell is the signal very poor. Bag or base station in hell. Imagine you burn a base station for your dearly departed. Who are you? What are you? So what you want to call it? May say yes. Imagine a base station dedicated for your dearly departed with the antenna, everything, the whole works, the whole nine yards. Reception. We build. And then you another one. What four com four com. They come. They come. Say that also can. Oh my goodness. And we just, we're just having fun. You know, just to, just instead of our usual, or you got a breach here, you got a breach there. Your data here, your data there. You know, you got a breach here. You got a breach there. Your data here, your data there. Actually, this is a real good business plan. Yeah. So I'm looking at executing it. So get in touch with us. and we're happy to take your VC money. Sure we burn it one. In true hell sense, we will burn it. Confirm. Burn it for you. Yeah. But we don't accept hell money. Sorry. Real fiat. Yeah. You need to trademark all the brands first, you know? Oh yeah. Yeah. I have to do that. Very important. Tomorrow I go in and put a trademark application in here. Otherwise people will chit plat. You know, the color scheme must be correct as well. Oh yes. Oh yes. Very true. Okay. So we, we, with that, we call an end to this interim intermediate episode on our next business case. Thank you. Bye. Good evening. 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